1. Exercise: 15-20 minutes of brisk exercise per day helps release those “feel good” endorphins and can really help turn things around. (It also helps burn off some of those extra calories we may have enjoyed.) 2. Catch some zzz’s: with the excitement of Christmas, the holidays and a busy lifestyle, we sometimes forget to catch that all important shut-eye. Try to maintain the hours of sleep that work for you.
3. Make time for yourself: The holidays can be a wonderful time to gather with loved ones. Remember you deserve treats too - make time for yourself, whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book or taking a nap, mediating, taking a hot bath or practicing yoga. 4. Practise gratitude: Even if you’re not in a festive mood, practising gratitude daily can help you to focus on things that are meaningful and positive in your life. Every day try to take note of 3-5 things that you’re grateful for or things that have gone well. 5. Go gently: If you’re going to eat, drink and be merry over the holiday season, understand what feels right for you and ensure you drink plenty of water. 6. Realistic expectations: It’s possible to expect only fun and pleasantries over the holiday season, however ordinary and stressful things occur too. Difficult relationships and situations don't simply dissolve because it’s the holiday season. Be realistic in your expectations of people and circumstances. 7. Smile: A simple smile can help you feel better and may make a difference in someone else’s life at that moment. 8. Keep it simple: Keep your life and your plans as simple as you can to reduce the demands on you and your family. 9. Reach out: Don’t be alone if you don’t want to. Contact family or friends or find another way to share the holidays – maybe by volunteering your time. 10. Know who to call: If the need is there, know there are people you can talk to. Lifeline 131114, 13SALVOS (137258), Beyond Blue 1300 224 636, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800. Comments are closed.
May 2022